Cristina Maresca, DDS, MS
To schedule an Appointment call: (919) 363-1419

About us - Why Choose an Endodontist?


Endodontists are dental specialists with an additional two or more years beyond dental school of specialized training in root canal therapy. The average Endodontist completes 25 root canal treatments a week, while a general dentist performs about two root canals a week.


Because they limit their practice solely to Endodontic treatment, Endodontist are efficient and precise. This equates to positive experiences and faster healing.


Most Endodontist offer tremendous flexibility in accommodating emergency cases, so delays in treatment are kept to a minimum and patients can be relieved of dental pain quickly.

Advanced Technology

Most Endodontists use state-of-the-art technology such as operating microscopes, digital imaging, ultrasonic instrumentation, and fiber optics to treat their patients quickly and comfortably.