Cristina Maresca, DDS, MS
To schedule an Appointment call: (919) 363-1419

About us - What to expect during your first visit

A typical visit to an Endodontist begins with completing paperwork, which includes your medical history and consent forms. It is advisable to bring a list of all medications that you take regularly or have taken within the past month (both over-the-counter and prescription). Once all forms are complete, an assistant will review and chart your chief complaint, the referring dentist’s information, and the history of the tooth pain before taking x-rays of your teeth.

Once your first set of x-rays are complete, your Endodontist will review your paperwork and evaluate your symptoms prior to testing the tooth in question along with adjacent teeth. After the tests are complete, a diagnosis will be given and your Endodontist will discuss your treatment options. The Endodontist will make you aware of the benefits, options and risks involved in order for you to understand how Root Canal Treatment can relieve your pain and save your tooth. Possible post-treatment decisions, such as a crown on the treated tooth, will also be addressed.

If you decide to receive treatment, the procedure may start immediately. Before treatment begins, you will receive local anesthesia to numb any sensations you may feel during the procedure. If the procedure is unable to be completed within one visit, medicine may be placed inside the tooth between appointments.

Once your procedure is complete, more X-rays are taken to track the success of the treatment. You will be provided with review sheets that include your post-operation instructions and what to expect over the next few days.