Cristina Maresca, DDS, MS
To schedule an Appointment call: (919) 363-1419

Services - Apicoectomy (Endodontic Surgery)

Apicoectomy (Endodontic Surgery)

Sometimes the cause of persistent problems concerning your tooth may be due to reasons beyond simple bacteria within the tooth. We use microsurgical techniques with the aid of the surgical operating microscope and other specialized instruments. Long-term prognosis using these modern techniques is significantly improved. Some indications for endodontic surgery include the following:

  • - Achieve drainage/evacuation of toxins for patient comfort in cases of severe abscess.
  • - Persistent infection from previous over/under-fill
  • - Perforation of tooth structure
  • - Predictable failure due to root anatomy
  • - Impractical non-surgical root canal therapy due to the presence of definitive restorations